
New ownCloud Blog
Devamını Oku
01.11.2014 23:26:02

Hi all,

Due to my server bandwidth quota, I needed to move ownCloud related stuff to Blogger. I only have 5 GB of traffic and it reaches before the 3rd week of the week :). Thanks for visiting and sorry for inconvenience :). Please find the new blog here: ownclouden.blogspot.com


[Yorum: 0] [Okunma: 8059]
[Ekleyen: Volkan Gezer]
ownCloud HTTPS External Mount
08.10.2014 03:01:59

This post has been moved here due to bandwidth reasons: https://ownclouden.blogspot.com/2014/11/owncloud-https-external-mount.html

[Yorum: 1] [Okunma: 12666]
[Ekleyen: Volkan Gezer]
Another ownCloud 7 review
Devamını Oku
28.08.2014 21:46:13

As I also mentioned in my previous articles, nowadays it is not possible to fully trust to a provider when it comes to privacy and your sensitive data. For this reason, the community has created ownCloud. ownCloud is a great open source cloud application. Not only being able to store/...

[Yorum: 0] [Okunma: 18782]
[Ekleyen: Volkan Gezer]
GSoC is over - latest update o...
Devamını Oku
27.08.2014 02:03:48

I wish I could write this article from Berlin, but due to my Master Thesis deadline, I was unable to attend to the Berlin ownCloud conference.

Finally, GSoC is over and we (I should say we as it was almost impossible without help of Morris) finished the coding for the proposal that I've made.


[Yorum: 1] [Okunma: 9580]
[Ekleyen: Volkan Gezer]
GSoC Progress
Devamını Oku
04.08.2014 01:37:15

Hello everyone,

It has been so long that I haven't found time to write about my GSoC progress on ownCloud.

As we have 10 days left for pencil-down, I would like to give a short update after my last post in week 7.



[Yorum: 0] [Okunma: 15856]
[Ekleyen: Volkan Gezer]
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